Authors: Daniel Vega-Myhre (Google), Abdullah Gharaibeh (Google), Kevin Hannon (Red Hat)
In this article, we introduce JobSet, an open source API for representing distributed jobs. The goal of JobSet is to provide a unified API for distributed ML training and HPC workloads on Kubernetes.
[T]he Job API fixed many gaps for running batch workloads, including Indexed completion mode, higher scalability, Pod failure policies and Pod backoff policy to mention a few of the most recent enhancements. However, running ML training and HPC workloads using the upstream Job API requires extra orchestration to fill the following gaps:
Multi-template Pods : Most HPC or ML training jobs include more than one type of Pods. The different Pods are part of the same workload, but they need to run a different container, request different resources or have different failure policies. A common example is the driver-worker pattern.
Job groups : Large scale training workloads span multiple network topologies, running across multiple racks for example. Such workloads are network latency sensitive, and aim to localize communication and minimize traffic crossing the higher-latency network links. To facilitate this, the workload needs to be split into groups of Pods each assigned to a network topology.
Inter-Pod communication : Create and manage the resources (e.g. headless Services) necessary to establish communication between the Pods of a job.
Startup sequencing : Some jobs require a specific start sequence of pods; sometimes the driver is expected to start first (like Ray or Spark), in other cases the workers are expected to be ready before starting the driver (like MPI).
JobSet aims to address those gaps using the Job API as a building block to build a richer API for large-scale distributed HPC and ML use cases.