Do it, idiot. I double dog dare you.
There’s no motor in existence that could spin fast enough for Fox News to spin this shit to the old folks. One of the problems is that they don’t believe that Trump would ever hurt them, but you know, if he hurt all of them all at once, that might just be enough to get them to take it serious.
They don’t care if they’re hurt, too. It’s a worthwhile sacrifice to hurt the others.
We keep hoping that Conservatives are going to suddenly realize how stupid they have been, when history has proven time and again that Conservatives will simply blame some out-group and become violent. They’re not going to turn on Trump and learn anything. They are going to start burning down bilingual daycares and hospitals that aren’t owned by churches or some other boomer shit.
I don’t expect to receive Social Security, but I don’t want to see people who need it now lose it, because my politics is not about hurting people who disagree with me. Vengeance is not justice, and schadenfreude is not informative.
For me, it’s not about vengeance as much as the hope that people will finally become uncomfortable enough to change something. But yeah, you’re right; Donald could personally kick them in the nuts and they’d lay on the ground groaning “why would immigrants do this?”