Unfortunately this just isn’t true. It’s not the consultant class that made AOC cry on the floor of the House for not wanting to fund Israel’s iron dome, it was Nancy Pelosi. The whole infrastructure is corrupt with wall street money. It wasn’t the consultant class that disciplined each every squad member into toeing the party line, not coming out guns blazing for progressive candidates and calling for primaries against corporate Dems, it’s the party leadership.
They also suck. I’ll give you that. It’s all things at once: the policy sucks, the leadership sucks, and the messaging sucks. However, the leaders aren’t immune to the ouroboros nature of the consultancy within the Democratic party.
Some of the leaders obviously internalized all of the marketing feedback. By the time Hillary Clinton did her final lap on the stage, she was clearly little more than 30 years of political marketing advice in a pantsuit.
You’re right though, basically everyone involved is a sellout and that’s the real root of the problem.
Unfortunately this just isn’t true. It’s not the consultant class that made AOC cry on the floor of the House for not wanting to fund Israel’s iron dome, it was Nancy Pelosi. The whole infrastructure is corrupt with wall street money. It wasn’t the consultant class that disciplined each every squad member into toeing the party line, not coming out guns blazing for progressive candidates and calling for primaries against corporate Dems, it’s the party leadership.
They also suck. I’ll give you that. It’s all things at once: the policy sucks, the leadership sucks, and the messaging sucks. However, the leaders aren’t immune to the ouroboros nature of the consultancy within the Democratic party.
Some of the leaders obviously internalized all of the marketing feedback. By the time Hillary Clinton did her final lap on the stage, she was clearly little more than 30 years of political marketing advice in a pantsuit.
You’re right though, basically everyone involved is a sellout and that’s the real root of the problem.