Season 2 Episode 10: Cold Harbor

Aired: March 21, 2025

Synopsis: Mark forms a shaky alliance in an all-or-nothing play, while the team makes a dangerous last stand.

Directed by: Ben Stiller

Written by: Dan Erickson

    2 days ago

    I’m of two minds about this.

    The sweet vitriol episode built out the world in a really interesting and character-centered way, but it interrupted a really important development that was moving the story forward so it felt like slamming on the breaks

    If that episode had come after the return of Irving, Dillan, and Hellena instead of right after Mark’s ayahuasca trip, it wouldn’t have felt quite so jarring.

    It’s a shame because I really liked that episode, I just couldn’t enjoy it as much because I was dying to know what happened with Mark (I’m still kind of dying for more details)

      2 days ago

      Yeah, I do get that. I really liked how they took full episode deviations and explored the world more, like an episode 4 in Woe’s Hollow or Sweet Vitriol. Chikhai Bardo definitely leaves you hanging with Sweet Vitriol right after… But it gives you another week to think about it. Same with episode 1, then 2. They’re telling stories of the exact same time frame, but you’re off the Severed floor for a full week until Who’s Alive - and episode 3 definitely paid off both episodes for me.