I’ve always considered it a problem that Canada’s largest newspaper chain is owned by a U.S. hedge fund with ties to Donald Trump.
But it’s suddenly an urgent problem, now that Trump has been re-elected president of the United States and seems hell-bent on annexing Canada.
Newspapers play a vital role in a functioning democracy. They provide the key ingredient: a well-informed citizenry.
Because of their centrality to the democratic process, Canadian tax and investment laws have aimed to keep newspapers Canadian-owned.
Unfortunately, however, those laws are full of loopholes. And so, in 2010, Stephen Harper’s Conservative government had no trouble permitting the takeover of Canada’s largest newspaper chain — with more than 100 media outlets, including leading dailies like the Vancouver Sun and Ottawa Citizen — by a company called Postmedia, even though Postmedia was owned by several U.S. hedge funds.
Now is the time to be getting information from Canadian Owned and Operated media.
There will be disinformation campaigns unlike any other election.
Nationalized american owned media … Fuck the parasite the hardest way possible by taking its “property”