I go to the gym a long time now but it seems like no one ever teached me how to do proper form on exercises.

Yeah I can watch youtube videos, but it still doesn’t feel right.

My gym only has staff with 0 clue besides on machines, so I can’t ask them. And I don’t want to bother strangers.

My current way to deal with this is go to the gym at 4 am in the morning and hope no one is at the gym so I can just play around without people staring at me.

But then I am afraid to try a dead lift cause if something happens what then?

Was thinking about asking a member at the gym who looks decent to show me everything and I just pay him 50 $ but that seems kind of weird.

I can do a few basic exercises like Benchpress, Lat pulldowns etc. but I’d never squat with barbells or dead lift or anything like that cause it just looks like I’d break my back on accident. But those exercises seem to be the best and shouldn’t be skipped (atleast what I read)

I really think my social anxiety is holding me back on this part of the gym. I know everyone says: “No one cares what you do they are focused on themselves” but lets be honest, people stare and wonder what you are doing… it’s just what it is.

  • qprimed@lemmy.ml
    3 days ago

    seriously, find a few people that seem to be doing quality work (minimal grunting, smooth movements, reasonable weight, using clips/collars on bars, not rounding the lower back on a deadlft, etc) and ask. I promise you lots of people will be more than happy to help you with form - and throw in tons of extra tips as well.

    everyone had to learn and, in most gyms, there is an unspoken agreement to help - from spotting you to giving advice. just keep in mind that the “brovice” quality can vary so internally critique everything you are told.

    regarding the no one cares bit… when I see someone possibly about hurt themselves because of inexperience, I gently suggest other options. I have seen nasty stuff happen :-(