In a statement that's sure to stir a bit of conversation among America's cycling community, Friends of Big Bend Ranch State Park wrote "E-bikes may sound like a good idea
I know that some most definitely do have pedals simply for compliance, but they are utterly useless to move the bike. Those e-bikes tend to look like vespas or faux motorcycles.
But I wish they mentioned the model here. I’d find it surprising if an e-mountain bike couldn’t be moved through human power alone… but an e-dirt bike or something large that pretends to be an “e-bike”, yeah, you aren’t going to move that using pedals.
I know that some most definitely do have pedals simply for compliance, but they are utterly useless to move the bike. Those e-bikes tend to look like vespas or faux motorcycles.
But I wish they mentioned the model here. I’d find it surprising if an e-mountain bike couldn’t be moved through human power alone… but an e-dirt bike or something large that pretends to be an “e-bike”, yeah, you aren’t going to move that using pedals.