I always assume that my brain is structured in a way that at least 5% of people could relate to my general thought processes, but it turns out that some of my experiences of being a human are really just a “me” thing. I’ve often told myself that I’m just like everyone else, and that all of my personality traits are explainable by a mishmash of stereotypes and systemic influences. But I guess there’s more to it than that, and I’ve been selling myself a bit short.

  • 𝓔𝓶𝓶𝓲𝓮@lemm.ee
    8 hours ago

    At some point in my life my color perception changed completely, which caused a minor crisis of wanting to paint instead of coding. (Still kinda unresolved 🫨) Suddenly colours gained some kind of 3d depth and feel.

    Unfortunately lemmy is drab 😩 even with various apps they are too monochrome

    If I could I would color my text for each paragraph or use some kind of css hacks

    But nooo you all love the boring drabness for 10% better readability

    Partial solution: make my own ios app with my degrading coding skills. No.
    Fork lemmy for colordivergents. double no.