Sorry for my previous post. How do I play these releases on a Debian based system? I tried finding a converter but all results came up as either it not being possible, or they didn’t work.

    3 days ago

    What software are you using? Most modern software can already do HDR tonemapping so it would look normal during playback.

    I think the issue for you is that you are downloading files that are DV only, no HDR fallback, and AFAIK media with DV only cannot be played back with tonemapping (hence why you are seeing it all pink/puple/green). To properly play DV media you’d need DV compatible hardware - I don’t have that type of hardware so someone else may be better able to explain those constraints. My desktop is a bit on the old side LOL.

    But anyway in the future you should download media with the HDR tag or media without any DV/HDR tags.

    PS - If you run your media through something like mediainfo and give us the output that should give a more accurate idea of your issue but I’m pretty sure you just happened to have downloaded a DV only file.

    EDIT - On second thought some playback software seems to support DV tonemapping nowadays. It’s been a while since I tried testing that myself, seems easier just to avoid DV only media. Maybe double-check that the playback software you are using supports DV tonemapping and figure out how to enable it.