This is my next one, used a pattern for a coin or (yet another) card holder which was significantly more complicated than any I’ve done so far. All my previous projects have been very much flat - cut out pieces, glue them flat, sew them together.

This one featured two really tiny gussets and no instructions for how to put any of this together, so I tried my best to put things together in an order that made sense and, whilst it took quite a while, it went together ok.

I made a few mistakes as usual, the nearly completed item was a real pain to complete the stitching on and I made a mistake in not realising i would need to be stitching to be continuous over the top of the gusset so ended up with 3 separate stitch lines for the final closing.

I rather like the colour and thicknesses of the leather and went for a more subtle thread colour this time. I also got my bottle of gum trag delivered so I burnished the edges with that rather than water as I had been doing previously (I’ll be trying out Tokonole at some point too).

I’m pretty happy how it came out. I mean, I’ve got yet another item I don’t really have a requirement for but it was good practice for something more technically complicated.