“It used to be, when I were a kid, that everybody got measles. And the measles gave you lifetime protection against measles infection,” he said, then taking a swipe at the vaccine. “The vaccine doesn’t do that. The vaccine is effective for some people for life, but for many people it wanes.”
“Some”=97%, “Many”=3%
And you know what the vaccine also doesn’t do? Kill you!
MTG pulled this stupid shit promoting “measles parties”. For the younger folks, let me explain.
Parents used to deliberately infect their kids with chicken pox. No big deal for litte 'uns, big deal when you’re older. (Got it at 16, still have the scars 40-years later. And yes, I’m up on my shingles vaccine.)
These people are so dumb they’re conflating chicken pox and measles. Fuck me, I’m just now learning about measles because that shit was gone when I was a child. It was like polio or smallpox, unheard of.
For real, I thought he was going to name something of actual consequence even if it wasn’t true like, “it makes your head explode.” But, “it wanes”??? Uh ok, it wanes so some people might get measles anyway. Isn’t that just problem solved then since you think infection is good? Completely nonsensical.
“Some”=97%, “Many”=3%
And you know what the vaccine also doesn’t do? Kill you!
MTG pulled this stupid shit promoting “measles parties”. For the younger folks, let me explain.
Parents used to deliberately infect their kids with chicken pox. No big deal for litte 'uns, big deal when you’re older. (Got it at 16, still have the scars 40-years later. And yes, I’m up on my shingles vaccine.)
These people are so dumb they’re conflating chicken pox and measles. Fuck me, I’m just now learning about measles because that shit was gone when I was a child. It was like polio or smallpox, unheard of.
I love how they say shit like “it wanes” as though that’s a reason to not get it. Like, just get a fucking booster and you’re good.
For real, I thought he was going to name something of actual consequence even if it wasn’t true like, “it makes your head explode.” But, “it wanes”??? Uh ok, it wanes so some people might get measles anyway. Isn’t that just problem solved then since you think infection is good? Completely nonsensical.