Is anyone here aware of some alternatives to mentioned instant messaging applications ? Alot of people keep mentioning Signal , however since it is US based I am not going to entertain it as a possibility.

  • Radioactive
    8 hours ago

    That is completely reasonable and in every other instance I would encourage this, but there really isn’t a secure, private (those are two different things; WhatsApp is (probably) secure, but definitely not private) alternative to Signal at the moment. Even if one did exist, it likely isn’t compatible with Signal and would only serve to fragment messaging even further until it has more users than Signal already does.

    I guess, I just want to encourage you to make changes where it really matters. Absolutely dump Microsoft, Amazon, Google, and other for-profit American manufacturing and services. But boycotting Signal doesn’t really help the way you want it to.

    Ultimately you have to decide what is best for you and I obviously can’t and won’t force you to use something, but I hope I can at least provide some perspective.