In the last few months I decided to see what I could find on DVD and Blu-ray. It’s a matter of luck and persistence but I do find good stuff now and then. Anyone else find missing Blu-rays from combo Blu-ray and DVd sets? Or DVD-Rs instead of pressed? And how do some people manage to scratch their discs so impressively?
I wanna seed a few discussions here… Anyone else look for HD-DVDs or 4K discs? I lucked out to find a HD-DVD player for 14$ with remote, and a XBOX drive that I can’t figure out how to use on a PC. I’m still holding out to see if I can find a 4K Blu-ray player next.
So far I found the first season of Battlestar Galactica on HD-DVD in a nice picture case. Found Midway on a 4K/Blu-ray release, I don’t even think I’d enjoy the movie, but how cool is that?