Idiotic tariffs, indifferent retailers, depraved flippers and AI mania are making the simple act of buying a graphics card the defining misery of PC gaming in 2025.
Previous gen is going for 1.5-2x as much as current gen due to shortages, even for used cards. They are at least available if someone has a dire need for a replacement GPU, but I am patient, not willing to pay current gen prices for older hardware, and not willing to pay more than MSRP at that.
holy shit the situation is dire, i just looked at the price of my card and it costs just as much as it did a few years ago when i bought it used. i guess GPUs are not for us anymore, its for AI slop and surveillance now.
get an used one, why make it hard. nobody needs the latest and greatest at launch and they clearly cant/dont want to keep up.
i play me bideogames and be happy that it works well until it doesnt.
Previous gen is going for 1.5-2x as much as current gen due to shortages, even for used cards. They are at least available if someone has a dire need for a replacement GPU, but I am patient, not willing to pay current gen prices for older hardware, and not willing to pay more than MSRP at that.
holy shit the situation is dire, i just looked at the price of my card and it costs just as much as it did a few years ago when i bought it used. i guess GPUs are not for us anymore, its for AI slop and surveillance now.