(Repost with author change)
In the last weeks several databases and websites emerged around the idea of buying European, or local.
Coming from different communities overviews of products and services can (for example) be found at the following websites:
- https://www.buy-european-made.eu/ : Community based database. Make your own suggestions!
- https://european-alternatives.eu/categories : First comer. Dev can be found on mastodon for suggestion.
- https://buy-european.net/categories : Community based database. Make your own suggestions! Devs can be found on mastodon and lemmy.
- https://github.com/uscneps/Awesome-European-Tech
If you are using Firefox or Chrome you can be nudged to do better by using the opensource Go-European-Plugin:
- Firefox: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/go-european/
- Chrome: https://chromewebstore.google.com/detail/go-european/klmgadmgadfhjgomffmpamppmkajdloc (If you know any other starting points feel free to comment.)
Mm. I did that on purpose, so a newcomer sees all the categories and possibilites eventhough he is not yet searchig for something specific.
After all it is “Where to start?“ and not about a specific search.
Exactly, as it is not a specific search it still instantly shows the European products/companies. If you use the search instead you can also search for the Non-European equivalent you want to see the alternatives for. :) So you could search for “YouTube” and get to the page where the YouTube alternatives are shown. But I mean it doesn’t really matter that much - whatever you prefer.