With a little bit of the shine wearing off of the latest booster, what is everyone opening?
Watching the Wonder Pick area has shown just about everything again after the initial rush for the new pack. Is there a particular set you’re opening? A card you’re still hunting for?
I’m back to hunting rarer artworks in the older sets again.
I’m going strictly by lowest percentage, so TL at the moment
I’m at
- 80% for TL
- 87% for spacetime
- 100% for Mythical island
- 94% for gen apex
I’ve still got loads of cards to get from the new set, although I feel I’ve been much luckier than I was with STS packs. I’ll probably open TL packs for another week or two and then go back to STS for a bit, and then try and finish off any missing daimond cards through trading. Although there’s rare cards I’m still missing from GA and MI that I’d like, I don’t plan on opening them again until STS and TL are completed for diamond cards.