Fun historical stat, in Russia during 2016, half a million baseball bats were reported to have been sold around the country. The number of baseballs reported to have sold was 1.
Think this was the article i read at the time. Seems I forgot that they reference a TASS article from the year prior and the sales figures were from the year before that, so the half million to one numbers would’ve been from 2014.
Fun historical stat, in Russia during 2016, half a million baseball bats were reported to have been sold around the country. The number of baseballs reported to have sold was 1.
I’m actually really curious on your source for this one haha
Think this was the article i read at the time. Seems I forgot that they reference a TASS article from the year prior and the sales figures were from the year before that, so the half million to one numbers would’ve been from 2014.