The average P/E for the auto industry is 29.97. $TSLA is beyond overvalued. If it stays like this, it’ll take another massive hit after the Q1 earnings call on April 29th.
The funny bit is that if their stock price falls 90% in 6 months, their P/E will almost certainly still be above the auto industry average because their earnings will be falling too.
It’s still +26% in 6 months, +58% in a year and +535% in 5 years. There’s still a long way to go down unfortunately.
Not with their P/E ratio at 273.22 🤣
The average P/E for the auto industry is 29.97. $TSLA is beyond overvalued. If it stays like this, it’ll take another massive hit after the Q1 earnings call on April 29th.
The funny bit is that if their stock price falls 90% in 6 months, their P/E will almost certainly still be above the auto industry average because their earnings will be falling too.