As the title goes - I think it’s a good solution for some of the Western World’s problems, like politicians not following their campaign promises. On the other hand, conflicting politics are a big possibility, which would create further problems. Any ideas?
It’s difficult. A large amount of people don’t even vote once every few years, so they won’t be involved in the first place. More people don’t have time to get into the details. And I mean how would you even know what do do in details about the economy, impact of laws and complicated consequences? Which decisions about the infrastructure like the electricity grid are neccessary now to yield the proper result in 5-10 years time? Do you even have the time and motivation to study all of this? And the masses can be influenced easily. We can see that even with the Swiss. So it’s questionable whether it even yields better results than the indirect approach. It’s certainly more democratic. But not necessarily better even if done properly.
Yeah. I guess the most important thing is to educate people, something that politicians haven’t done, because they know that people wouldn’t vote in them, if they were educated.
Right. They need education to make judgements. They need independent and neutral media to stay informed about the facts. They need a minimum amount of intelligence in order not to fall prey to populists and the next pied piper / con man who has some “simple truths” for them. And they need the time to occupy themselves with the details, i.e. not an 70h workweek to make ends meet.