Got to admit—I love weddings. I’m sentimental like that.

I remember mine—best day of my life. I remember seeing my wife in her dress. Oh my God, she was the prettiest. Our eyes met, and man, I cried. Yeah, I cried. I admit it. And if I can’t cry on my wedding day, well, screw you guys. I deserved to cry out of happiness.

Can’t say it’s been peaches and cream every day since. We’re human. We deal with the drudgeries of life—raising a kid, keeping a home. But not a day goes by that I regret it. My wife has been one of the most giving, intelligent, and loyal friends I’ve ever had. And yeah, she is a friend. My best friend.

One of the worst things about being married is knowing that eventually, one of us won’t be. Either she or I will go first. I think about that all the time.

But I hope I have many years left with her—at least enough to take a few trips, watch a few movies, have a few karaoke sessions with my babe. Oh, and she has to introduce me to something I haven’t eaten before. That’s important.

But the big thing for me? I want to be healthy and fit enough to be her mixed doubles partner in a badminton tournament. That’s super important to her, and after almost 18 years together, I’m still not good enough. But someday.

I’m in the gym all the time—lifting weights, running, doing everything I can to stay healthy. Believe me, I had to work to get back into shape. It was scary for a little bit, but my blood pressure is now optimal. I’m lifting 225 pounds—eight reps, three sets—so I think I’ll be good enough eventually to play a freaking doubles tournament with my wife, win some games, and make her proud.

Ideally, I’d love to win a tournament, but hey, I’ve got to set my expectations, right? I’m terrible at badminton. I play once a week—at least five games—and she’s so much better than me. But it’ll be worth it.

This is the life I signed up for. The life I’ve been building. And yeah—I love my wife. She’s the best. My wedding was the best day of my life, only rivaled by the birth of my child. Ever since then, I feel like I’ve been taking victory laps. And it’s all been worth it.

Photo credit: Kate Harrison
