It looks like America is self-destructing. I’m not sure that’s a bad thing for the planet in the long run. But sure, it’ll cause a real mess going down.
And of course it is tragic. But somehow I’m less worried about the climate change aspect of all this - at least on a planetary scale - compared to how worried I normally am about climate change.
This is how empires die. Power and wealth accumulates at the top, until eventually a tipping point is reached, and those with power then use it to frantically loot the rest of the nation and skedaddle to foreign lands with their ill-gotten wealth as the empire balkanizes behind them.
In truth, the looting phase started with Reagan, but in recent times it’s begun to accelerate, particularly when Trump is in office.
It looks like America is self-destructing. I’m not sure that’s a bad thing for the planet in the long run. But sure, it’ll cause a real mess going down.
And of course it is tragic. But somehow I’m less worried about the climate change aspect of all this - at least on a planetary scale - compared to how worried I normally am about climate change.
This is how empires die. Power and wealth accumulates at the top, until eventually a tipping point is reached, and those with power then use it to frantically loot the rest of the nation and skedaddle to foreign lands with their ill-gotten wealth as the empire balkanizes behind them.
In truth, the looting phase started with Reagan, but in recent times it’s begun to accelerate, particularly when Trump is in office.