Since I’ve been mostly using #LibreWolf @librewolf and Tor Browser @torproject anyway, and almost never plain #Firefox, it wasn’t a big deal to say goodbye and to delete Firefox from all devices today.
The new “Terms of Use” and the modified privacy notice have crossed a red line, I do no longer give Mozilla the benefit of doubt.
Brief and good summary of Mozilla’s changes by @sarahjamielewis:
TBH I have no idea why somebody would so persistently and patiently work on discrediting and sinking their own flagship.
My local team (the Minnesota Twins) is using Twins.TV as their primary platform this year after the Diamond Sports cable debacle. No blackouts! Though that also means I’ll probably be able to watch directly on my TV, so I’ll likely be doing that for most games, which will be one less reason to keep Firefox around.