Shattered Pixel Dungeon v3.0 has been released!
v3.0 includes Shattered’s second new playable character! The Cleric is a divine spellcaster who learns and upgrades spells via the talent system! They have 2 subclasses, 3 armor abilities, and over 30 spells!
Ahhh just anxiously waiting here for Apple to approve this one! I didn’t opt into the beta because I wanted to have the fresh experience of playing Cleric on release!
It should already be out everywhere, including the App Store!
Ahhh it wasn’t showing up in the App Store pending updates list but when I went directly to the store page it showed me the update button! Thanks!
Aw yess, it’s a good update. But does mossy trinket giving 2/3 water floors just reduce seed and dew output, because it replaces normal floors? It seems to be nerfed too much and maybe 40% / 60% is better… or maybe mossy clump cost can be reduced now that it’s nerfed, I don’t see how it’s worth that crazy upgrade cost anymore. It’d be cool to see more trinket buffs, I think sundial, vial of blood, and trap mechanism still needs it… they’re very unappealing to use. Enemy magic casters are especially lethal with trap mechanism :/
I do want to reduce the cost of the mossy clump and I think that’s likely to happen in a patch. It’s surprisingly still not weak even after the recent nerf though, but probably another one won’t be needed. Currently the weakest trinket is still the mimic tooth, but people love it for the gameplay it creates. Sundial and Trap mech are middle of the road and blodo vial is surprisingly really strong, it just needs to be played around.
As someone who always plays healer/support classes in Korean MMORPGs, the cleric has been a blast to play! Probably my favorite character so far.
Glad to hear it! A straight up healer class doesn’t really work in Shattered, so I’m very glad that I’ve managed to make something with a similar feel work via the Cleric.
A lot of the cleric’s abilities seem pretty specific. Are you able to use any of them with other heroes with the scroll of metamorphosis?
Not directly, as the other heroes don’t have a tome item, but you can metamorphic their talents to get alternative effects.
I have a question about that
How does Holy intuition work when used on other characters?
I tried it out and I couldn’t figure it, is there a message that’s going to tell me if the equipment is cursed? Will it warn me before equipping? Does the talent work if equipment is not cursed?
A chance to warn you when you try equipping a cursed item. I added all the metamorphosis effects to the wiki, check the cleric page.
Thank you for that
If the equipment is cursed but unknown, there’s a 15% or 25% chance that your attempt to equip it will be cancelled and you’ll be notified that the item was cursed.
Ah, I see, thank you for the answer.
I somehow went through a whole game without ever seeing the effect happen. But also it did give me some extra confidence when equipping items
Thank you for all your hard work Evan, the patch is amazing
What does this bit mean?
The Priest can cast Guiding Light for free once every 100 turns, and can consume the illumination debuff with allies, wands, and some artifacts for bonus damage equal to their level.
When allies, wands, or some artifacts are used on an illuminated enemy, the debuff is consumed and the enemy is dealt bonus damage equal to the priest’s level.