Earworm - the experience of a song stuck in the brain. I find myself getting earworms so often haha. My latest one is this song, I Want To Be In Fabric by Todd Edwards, particularly the part starting at 2:28. Gives me massive Freezepop vibes omg!
What are some songs that have been stuck in your head lately that you’d like to share? 😃
Oh my gosh I love that style of music! Ace Combat 3 vibes in some places, so dynamic and atmospheric sounding. Those chords (?) starting at 1:50 are heavenly!
Check out his stuff some time! There’s a bunch of his music over on his ModArchive page, and he composed for a buncha games like Crusader: No Remorse, UT99, and Freelancer.
Will do!
Thanks for sharing! 😃