Danielle the Ditz has just proven herself either intellectually stunted or 100% crooked for the world to see.

I’m a rural Alberta Conservative who didn’t vote in the last provincial election, for the first time since I’ve been eligible, because there was nobody to vote for. This is yet another demonstration as to why I couldn’t cast a vote for a party led by this yahoo.

With the shit Trump is pulling, and the evidence being there for everyone to see that we need to expand our market access beyond the US because it is an unreliable partner; this chuckle head thinks we should invest time and money into creating yet another pipeline to supply the US with energy at a discount.

The whole reason that we sell oil to the US at a discount is because they are the only place we have the means to supply.

We need to A:) get pipelines to the coast so we have reliable, consistent means for bulk export to the global market. Accomplishing this will enable us to charge the US more for the oil we sell them because it will introduce competition that has never existed. The answer isn’t just to pump them more oil at a discount to make more ourselves.

And B:) we need to get oil flowing directly to Ontario and Quebec without it having to bypass South of the border and back up, increasing costs, as it currently does. We literally cannot “turn off the taps” to the US in the event of a major escalation as it currently stands because that would require cutting off the East. As much as they rape and pillage the economies of Western provinces for their own benefit, I don’t support cutting off their access to energy.

We need to work toward independence from the United States while expanding our access to foreign markets beyond them. That is the only way that our nation will be able to truly function independently in the very likely event that the US’s trend towards isolationism results in major disruption.

Happy to discuss with anyone, whether in agreement or disagreement. I just am curious as to what others here in Canada think of this nonsense.