Oh. OH! I’m taking the bait. Bravo. I still think you’re removed for being a troll on the Internet when there’s so much else you could be doing, but good job rustling my jimmies.
All I did was point out your weird parasocial relationship with a CEO of a game store company. It’s very strange how you reacted to that. You must realize just how weird it is, how empty your life is. Get help dude.
Oh. OH! I’m taking the bait. Bravo. I still think you’re removed for being a troll on the Internet when there’s so much else you could be doing, but good job rustling my jimmies.
All I did was point out your weird parasocial relationship with a CEO of a game store company. It’s very strange how you reacted to that. You must realize just how weird it is, how empty your life is. Get help dude.