TL;DR: The CyberTruck is 17 times more likely to have a fire fatality than a Ford Pinto

    1 month ago

    Since I’m half-intelligent, I won’t pretend to understand most what you’re saying here.

    I don’t think the article linked is nonsense, though. It certainly isn’t leftist anything, miss me with that.

    But… importantly… There is a statistically correct way to complete the following sentence:

    “The Tesla Cybertruck is ______ times more/less explosive than the Ford Pinto.”

    If you disagree with my answer to that question, what is your answer? I showed my math, I even invite the readers to re-run the equation. If you re-run it, what do you come up with? I bet your answer will be informative and helpful to the conversation about EV safety, two elements that are the “sugar,” “spice,” and “everything nice” about good reporting.