Countries that didn’t exist during British actions, for example. Finland has only existed since 1917 in its current form – when did the UK invade them? Participate on the opposite side of a war? Yes.
And others, like Canada, were largely created by treaty. Canadians if different political stripes might argue that the treaties were unfair in retrospect, and thus it qualifies as an invasion, but that’s a bit of a stretch of the definition. True enough, the British fought the French in Quebec and that could constitute an invasion, but Canada didn’t exist then.
Then there’s the invaded vs liberated debate…
There are many others here and one could go on at length.
I’m not “saying so” I’m repeating what the dictionary says.
The War of 1812 was declared against Britain by the US. British troops did land here once the war was on, if you call that an “invasion”. And I guess you could cite the Beatles etc.
This is incorrect, England has never invaded Portugal. They have in fact formed one of the oldest alliances in the world.
(The English Armada invaded on behalf of the deposed monarchy.)
They might be counting the Drake-Norris expedition. I suppose failing miserably at an invasion still counts as an invasion.
There are other weird things on here.
Countries that didn’t exist during British actions, for example. Finland has only existed since 1917 in its current form – when did the UK invade them? Participate on the opposite side of a war? Yes.
And others, like Canada, were largely created by treaty. Canadians if different political stripes might argue that the treaties were unfair in retrospect, and thus it qualifies as an invasion, but that’s a bit of a stretch of the definition. True enough, the British fought the French in Quebec and that could constitute an invasion, but Canada didn’t exist then.
Then there’s the invaded vs liberated debate…
There are many others here and one could go on at length.
You can find an epub of the book on Library Genesis.
For Finland, it counts their invasion of what is now Finland during the Anglo-Russian War (1807–1812).
Or the USA - English troops were already there when it started.
I think if you declare independence then the British are an invading force and have by definition, invaded.
Not to mention the taking over from natives. Pretty sure they felt invaded long before the US existed.
that’s not what “invade” means - you can’t do it if you’re already there.
If you say so, then I suppose the next troop resupply would qualify as an invasion?
Regardless, outside of the Revolutionary War I was just reminded of the War of 1812.
I’m not “saying so” I’m repeating what the dictionary says.
The War of 1812 was declared against Britain by the US. British troops did land here once the war was on, if you call that an “invasion”. And I guess you could cite the Beatles etc.