I use Markdown for nearly all of my documentation, be it for work, university or private stuff. I also started using Nextcloud quite often and really love it.

The only thing that bothers me is the Richtext Editor in Nextcloud and the odd Markdown mode, which seems not to work? I have it installed and enabled, but in normal text files, as well as in collectives (both use NC text app) simple markdown syntax does not get rendered.

I cant copy paste from one to another which is frustrating obviously. I re-format everything by hand, in either direction.

I especially like the “Collectives”-App, which makes parallel documentaion with a group very convenient, but I would like to edit the files with a markdown editor an my desktop,e.g. Obsidian or so, which doesnt work, since Nextcloud text wount parse it as markdown.

Does anybody got a solution for this, or am I doimd sth wrong?