• rudyharrelson@lemmy.radio
    1 month ago

    I cannot, in good conscience, begrudge any family who illegally enters a country when they are fleeing violence or poverty in their own country (e.g.: they are from a country that is effectively run by drug cartels, or is in the midst of civil war).

    “You need to fill out the appropriate paperwork before your family can be safe” is not an argument that will ever sway me. The bureaucracy takes too long in the vast majority of cases. People are scared and want a better life.

    Some people illegally immigrate for less serious reasons, in which case sure, get 'em to fill out the proper forms. But I cannot support deporting people whose entire reason to illegally immigrate was for their safety and/or livelihood.

    And please note that this position is wholly a moral one, not a legal one. I am a person with a moral compass, not a lawyer.

    • Majorllama@lemmy.world
      1 month ago

      See and I agree with everything you said, but there is one small issue.

      If you are going to let people in who claim they need safety because of the danger of their home country or whatever else it may be then why would anyone take the legitimate route to immigrate when that takes so much more time and energy? The incentive for bad actors to game the system and claim they need to skip the other legal and lengthy process of being properly immigrated is much too high.

      Let’s say you need them to provide proof of the life they need saving from. How does that work? Who verifies their claims?

      This would be like adding a third line at Disney land for people who need to get on this ride “right away” because they have terminal cancer. Liars, cheats and evil people will absolutely just jump into the line and lie to skip sitting in the other line like they are supposed to. As usual bad people ruin things that were intended to be good for others.

      Unfortunately I don’t think just letting everyone who claims they need help in right away is the solution either. If anything we need more people processing immigration paperwork and getting people in who have followed the correct process as soon as possible.

      • rudyharrelson@lemmy.radio
        1 month ago

        The “small issue” you described is a logistical one that remains unsolved by bureaucrats, lawmakers, judges, or anyone else. “Bad actors ruin it for those who really need it” is the same “small issue” people use to argue against many services people genuinely need in order to survive.

        “Deport them all and let God sort 'em out” is the course America has chosen, and it is the immoral course, as far as I am concerned.

        we need more people processing immigration paperwork

        Agreed, but it won’t happen, especially under this administration. They don’t want more immigrants, even “legal” ones. They say they are only against “illegal” immigrants, but let’s be real here. Lemme know when they sign into law some additional funding for hiring more bureaucrats to parse immigration paperwork. I won’t hold my breath.

        When immigrants know the legal pathway is unreasonably slow and will not be improved in any way, there’s no incentive to do it the “legal” way.