Not so much looking to build a PC as buy one, because I’m lazy these days. My old one is forever old and filled with randomly upgraded parts and HDDs. I’ve also got an old and under performing NAS for Plex. Looking to turn my current PC into my new NAS, and buy a mini PC for my new rig. (I don’t game on PC anymore).

The problem is, I want one(ish) large capacity drive on the mini PC. Not 100% tied to a mini PC, just like the idea of being minimalist on this rig.

Any suggestions? 2 monitors. Not much else special.

Maybe an external drive? Or drive bay? Speed isn’t critical on the large capacity.


    1 month ago

    I think we might have different definitions of minimalist, but have a look at a Raspberry Pi 500 (or a pi 5 if you want to keep your own keyboard) and an external 3.5inch USB hard drive. I am pretty happy with a 400 and would use it as a nettop/netbook.

    I haven’t got my hands on one, bur I remember reading it can do two 4k monitors.

    In that setup youx could keep the os on the microsd and also get a SSD for a high speed work area, copy to HDD when finished with projects.