I love it. I’m not 100% sure she loves it as much as I do, which makes me sad. She tells me she does, but her reaction is almost non-existent. I just wish she loved it more because I would suck on them all day if I could.
I literally didn’t care about tits at all until I had a FWB that had a breastfeeding kink and would have me suck her tits for like 10 hours straight while she held me like a baby.
Hell yes! How can you not love it?
I love it! even better when my partner sucks mine too! like nipple sucking 69.
No responses yet so I’ll chime in.
Hell yeah! I think it’s hot, she thinks it’s hot, win-win.
Don’t have a partner yet but I think I will sure love it :)
100% yes. Especially if she’s riding me
For a little while, yes
Like? No.
Love? Oh fuck yes
I’m 3 months old and I enjoy doing it
I’m 396 months old and I love doing it.
Not a guy but holy fuck yes
Generally speaking, I love the lip to skin contact, obviously including tits
I do! It’s especially gratifying to give someone else pleasure, so I find it really hot