My gender therapist told me this in response to something I said referencing my chest. It was a while ago but it’s stuck with me. I’m wondering what you all think of this comment? The comment felt disqualifying, like I was less male for calling my chest a “breast”, or I would be seen as less male because of it, but I can be pretty sensitive so I might be overthinking and she might be right that men don’t talk like that.

  • Troy
    1 month ago

    Locker room version: men will say nipple without any issue when talking about the nipple itself, or chest or pecks if talking about the fleshy bits behind said nipple. If someone is a bit overweight they might call them man-boobs, moobs, or similar. Usually it’s gentle ribbing rather than intended offense, but sometimes it is intended to be a bit cruel depending on the tone. I have never heard a man refer to their “breast” in any context.

    If you ask a man if they have breasts, you will get 99% “no” as the answer. You can’t refer to a body part you don’t have.

    I might be in a bubble though. Hope this helps.

      1 month ago

      +1 to this for my personal anecdotal experience as a cis man. If I’m wearing a suit or something, I might refer to something that is in my breast pocket, or if I was ever to wear armor for some cool reason, I might wear a breast plate, but I can’t think of any other situation where I would ever refer to that upper torso part of myself as a breast. But like everyone else is saying, you do you, dude.