It’s time to talk about investments, no matter how diverse they may be. Whether it’s in stocks, cryptocurrencies, ventures, let’s discuss them! Ask questions, discuss the markets, or compare your portfolios.
It’s time to talk about investments, no matter how diverse they may be. Whether it’s in stocks, cryptocurrencies, ventures, let’s discuss them! Ask questions, discuss the markets, or compare your portfolios.
Anybody else expanding their GIC holdings with the interest rates being what they are now?
No, I adjust my portfolio strategy when my risk tolerance changes, not in response to market fluctuations. The reason for this is that I don’t think I can predict short-term market movements with any significant degree of accuracy.
Unfortunately, couch potato investing like this isn’t very exciting to talk about in this sort of thread, but IMHO boring is good when it comes to long-term investments!
I’m just staying on my plan and picking up more ETFs on discount.
My parents who are about to retire are buying GICs. Remember, your bank can negotiate a higher rate than what is posted.