TMR put this up on their Facebook asking who has to give way, but that’s too easy. A much more complicated question is: what does the law say around indicating?
I’ve seen people say only blue must indicate, others say both must indicate, and yet others say neither must indicate. Which is correct?
Wow small world! When I first moved here I met someone who also went to UNE (the university in Armidale). Like they can’t be that low but still, what’re the odds? Why do I feel like I recall or have history with charters? Maybe a mate.
That is actually neat as hell and I’m definitely going to be citing that to mates in the future. However I will internally be thinking of it as “Armidale is the city of crow turf wars” as it’s pretty on brand lmao.
Oh yeah it can get pretty bad in winter, we definitely didn’t refer to it as a hole because of it. No sir. When we first moved there, when the temperature was very much earning its namesake of New England and as a result the smog was bad. Fuck it was amazing when we first got there though. Rained all the time, very occasionally snowed and always green. However unfortunately we brought the drought from central (ish) QLD down with us not long afterwards. Sorry Armidale, our bad.