Just opening discussion, haha!
I mean if non-proton conversation isn’t allowed, I’m just comparing, haha lol!
Okay seriously though.
The three services I’m exploring are:
- Email (with email aliases)
- Cloud Storage
Just opening discussion, haha!
I mean if non-proton conversation isn’t allowed, I’m just comparing, haha lol!
Okay seriously though.
The three services I’m exploring are:
Honestly, if it went that far, They could just outlaw encryption altogether. Require all SSL to include their back door and they DPI everything on the way through. If anything doesn’t work on the DPI, they log it and drop it. We’ll end up having AI write us novels where you can take predetermined word order to create encoded messages
If it went that far, we’d be back to offline communication and small communities, because the AI would be programmed to tattle on us. :)
It’s a fascinating question actually how far technology could be used against us, and how long the “underground” could continue to use it before we’d have to continuously invent something completely new just to communicate, until we just loop back around to word of mouth or smuggled paper missives. A lot of people think that the cat is out of the bag on mass communication, that we can never be silenced again but I’m never quite so sure…
I don’t know, I’m kind of excited about moving back to code talking and pulling select passages out of books.