• BigBananaDealer@lemm.ee
    2 months ago

    how can anyone agree with free speech being the worst thing to happen in the world since the internet. seriously, how can anyone read that and agree?

    the worst thing to happen in the world since the internet…is free speech… please read what you are saying BEFORE submitting a comment. good lord. if there was a lemmy worst of that single line should be pinned to the top

    • futatorius@lemm.ee
      2 months ago

      Disinformation should not be regarded as protected speech, any more than a fraudulent product claim or a defamatory comment is. Same goes for statements intended to incite stochastic terrorism, or specific and actionable death threats, or foreign propaganda emanating from troll farms.

      Unless you are so stupid as to do nothing but repeat such malicious content, you free speech rights are not infringed by controlling malicious, false, toxic targeted claims such as those. And you are free to moan about it all you like, but it is becoming an existential matter for the preservation of democracy that such content is dealt with decisively. We’re in an information war, and the people originating that bullshit are this generation’s Lord Haw Haw and Tokyo Rose.

    • Phoenixz
      2 months ago

      I’m assuming you didn’t read or just pretend, but I’ll assume you very much know what I mean.

      Free speech and the Internet is a horrible combination as the Internet gives a bullhorn to extremists, liars, conspiracy theorists and cheaters. Basically a large group of sociopaths who are willing to do the work to manipulate people for their own benefit and theirs alone.

      Add AI to the mix and it becomes an absolute nightmare.

      I’m not talking about you disagreeing with the government, let that be protected. I’m talking about the need for at least a basis of facts from which we can have a reasoned argument.

      How am I to have a discussion with you about how to solve climate change if you heard from Alex Jones, oan, Fox news, and a bunch of conspiracy theorists that climate change is a hoax and a plot to rape your children, and you actually believe this nonsense?

      That is where we are at RIGHT NOW.

      Misinformation should simply not be protected anymore, Bo matter who it’s coming from. If you’re a politician and you spew unscientific bullshit you should be warned, second time fired. If a company publishes a fake scientific research paper to discredit climate change and it turns out it’s funded by oil companies? Throw all their CEO’s in jail for a year.

      You’d be surprised how fast truth becomes a thing

      Tell me: right now, what source of information can I still trust at all? A president? HAH! Those are the worst. Obama lied like 25% of the time, was it? Trump must be in the 80-90% somewhere. Same goes for news organizations, same goes for political organizations, same goes for the vast majority of websites that kust publish clickbait bullshit to get you to click, same goes for…

      It has to stop