Is there any GPU that stands out to guys as a giod value, or do you believe that everybody should skip them?

I’m liking the 5070 Ti with 16GB 256-bit transfer speed 896 GB/s for $750USD. The 5080 for $1000USD has 16GB 256-bit for 960 GB/s. I don’t see value for the extra $250.

The both have 2x 9th Gen NVENC encoder. The 5080 has 2x 6th Gen decoder, 5070 Ti has 1x 6th Gen decoder. I can use that for OBS recording while watching other videos.

    2 months ago

    FE are normally on par, if not better than they AIB counterpart as long as you stick to air cooled.

    Didnt youtube review prove that aibs provide better cooling and or quite experience