Doing the Galaxy tour, and got distracted (again) passing through #34 (hex 21) Ehbogdenbu. Saw a prime candidate for synthetic creatures and discovered the biggest walking tower I’ve encountered in the wild! 6.8m tall. It’s a bit out of the way I suppose, but they are a wonder to behold.

The planet has aggressive sentinels, so I built a base. It should simplify pacifying the local sentinels.

The darker walker isn’t native to the planet, that’s the mysterious pet I picked up somewhere, but it is pretty much the same height.

Hex address 107E-0700-7007.

Currently named “Bastion Walker 6.8” but open to suggestions.

Traveller for scale

Two walking towers

    2 months ago

    I’ve played No Man’s Sky for quite some hours and didn’t know about these! I’ve never done an expedition (I hate starting over in games, I just like to explore and have all my things set up nice and tidy…) but damn it… Now I’m going to need to try these things. >:(

    Thank you for the post!

    • GrimpenOP
      2 months ago

      You don’t need to do an expedition to find these guys, although I personally enjoy doing them (and redoing them).

      These guys aren’t in the starting galaxy, so you won’t be able to visit them until you’re pretty far along in galaxy hopping. I have some glyphs in Euclid for some pretty big walkers, just not this big. I’ll dig them up and do another post.

        2 months ago

        I was scrolling on All, so I will try to keep an eye out for your next post!

        Thank you for the explanation, I usually just hop to a new system, scan with the mother ship (I’ve forgotten the darn name) planet scanner, hit up the local space station to learn a few new words, and then see if any of the planets look cool enough to explore for a bit, then rinse and repeat. It’s probably a dumb way to play, but I like to be a nomad I guess? :P

        • GrimpenOP
          2 months ago

          That’s pretty much the “correct” way to play. Hence “Traveller” or wanderer.

          The “Galaxy tour” is just an extension of that playstyle. Make your way to the centre of the galaxy, travel to the next galaxy, repeat, with detours to check out interesting diversions.

          To search for synthetic creatures like these, you’ll want an Emeril or Indium drive in order to visit green or blue stars.

          If you have the scanner, you can also look for uninhabited systems. Once in the green or blue uninhabited system, look for planets with 2,3 or 4 lifeforms. Synthetic creatures do not apparently coexist with “regular” creatures, so if you see one of the standard flyers in the distance, you can move onto the next planet.

          The big walkers are great for exploring a planet, it will move along, giving you a good vantage point for you to scan. These really big walkers might be too tall, strictly speaking, but once you’ve ranged across an alien landscape astride your towering steed it’s tough to settle for a lesser mount.

          I’m reminded of “Howl’s Moving Castle”, and by support base is “Howl’s Observatory”.

          I’ll post the Euclid walker planet later tonight when I get home, if I can find the screenshot. Safe journeys Traveller!