• microphone900@lemmy.ml
    2 months ago

    and reinstated it soon after

    State senator Kevin Sparks called the district’s Bible ban “misguided” in a 19 December post on Instagram. “The Bible is not educationally unsuitable, sexually explicit, or pervasively vulgar, making its removal legally and morally indefensible. At a time when students seek guidance, the Bible provides a vital moral framework.”

    Well that’s a Texas sized load of horse shit if I ever saw one. It’s a book that prominently features child murder, sexual assault, incest, misogyny, mutilation and torture, genocide, and on and on and on. If the rules were properly and equally enforced, there’d only be math, chemistry, and physics books.

    Although, it’d be absolutely hilarious if someone were to drop in some leftist writings and they were forced to keep books on unionizing and its benefits, unifying against the rich and collective action, and critiques of capitalism for not fitting the criteria of books that should be banned. Ahhh well, I’m sure they’d say such books are obscene and inappropriate and promptly ban them.