• Piecemakers@lemmy.world
    2 years ago

    Fair point. I may’ve been conditioned a bit from too many years DMing for oh-so-clever players who consistently think they can finagle a blessing out of a cursed item. 🤪 My reflex is to pressure the retrieval of said coins on an inconvenient schedule (ie. 24/7) and just when they think they’ve got that figured out, find an amusing way to remind the part-time legends of their place in the grand charade.

    For instance, who knows what unscrupulous attention might be drawn to such a spectacle as an everflowing pocket? Might be as simple as a couple of enterprising urchins in need of a quick score, or maybe it’s a bit more obtuse in its connection. When the gang is asked to investigate the curious affliction a young noble seems to have contracted on their recent visit to the same town (inn, etc.) involving coins falling out of their mouth whenever they try to speak…