Sometimes I create a solution to a simple problem. However instead of making use of the solution, I keep extending it unnecessarily. This is why for this kind of project, I want to systematically restrain my future self from adding new features beyond the initial vision e.g. by actively refusing generic and re-usable code.

What is the search engine friendly term for this approach or at least for this situation? “Ad-hoc programming” may be literally what I’m talking about, but in practice it’s associated with unplanned happenings.

  • lemmyng
    2 months ago

    Minimum viable product (MVP) is a term commonly used in project management. Typically it’s approached from the perspective of "let’s first do the work to meet the project requirements, and leave nice-to-have features as a stretch goal (i.e. only do it if the MVP is ahead of schedule). The antithesis of MVP is scope creep, which is what you seem to be suffering from.