Wife wanted an air fryer for X-mas. Sure, it’s a bit on the “stereotypical gender roles” side of gift giving, but who am I to deny her what she wants?

I unboxed it for her and it says to do a 30 minute cook with no food in it to get rid of the burning plastic smell, so I cleaned everything and now it’s baking away the extra plastic.

The kitchen smells like burning plastic.

I can’t wait for some crispy fries and other assorted foods.

  • dingus@lemmy.world
    3 months ago

    ? It’s not once in a while. It’s every time you use it. And I don’t know about yours, but the most common ones have a metal shelf/grille with a large metal and plastic basin with tons of holes in it. Both the shelf/grille and the large basin have holes and nooks and crannies everywhere for the crumbs to find themselves stuck to/hiding in and then the water won’t drain out of the basin great because of this either. It’s not “a bit of plastic”. It’s nothing like cleaning a simple plate, pan, dish, mug, etc.