I think I was in 5th grade and I was in the bathroom with some schoolmates. I was using a urinal, and somehow a discussion about plumbing came up. I was telling dudes that yeah when you flush the urinal, the water that comes out from the top is actually “clean” water. So I flushed a urinal and stuck my hands at the top to let the water flow over them to get them wet and was all like “see?!” Of course I washed my hands in the sink afterwards and then we all went back to class.

Fast fwd a few minutes later and someone told the teacher I was washing my hands in the toilet in front of the whole class. I was like “noooo I was just trying to prove that it wasn’t doodoo water that comes out when you flush” But needless to say everyone thought I was some sicko toilet hand washing boy for like a week. I dunno I guess it was a pretty gross way to prove a point.

Y’all got any good ones? Lol

  • eezeebee
    3 months ago

    One time at the end of class I was standing up to leave, and somehow my pants clipped the corner of the desk and they fell down to my knees. I don’t think anyone else even saw it happen, but it was still embarrassing to be in my undies in the classroom like one of those weird dreams.