Hi everyone,

short backstory needed for my question: I have diagnosed ADHD as well as severe depression and anxiety. Even before I got diagnosed and put on medical treatment, I noticed Cannabis had a generally positive effect on me. I never went down that rabbit hole too much and only rarely consume pretty small amounts to this day.

I expect Cannabis to help with my depression and maybe anxiety. As for the ADHD, I never get tired from using Cannabis like people I hung out with. It just seems to work differently to some degree with my brain chemistry. I noticed it clearly impairs my executive function and memory pretty severely for about a day if I smoke. But on the flipside it does a similar thing as my Vyanese does and helps to lower how much energy it takes to start tasks.

I am super curious if anyone has anyone made similar experiences or if anyone is successfully using cannabis as treatment?

I am aware ADHD is a spectrum disorder, so experiences will vary. I know at least one person with diagnosed ADHD that also smokes occasionally. In their case the weed takes a bit longer to set in, but it seems to work on them as it assumably does on a neurotypical people. I also heard a lot of people also use/used Cannabis to treat their ADHD and I am glad it works for them. Personally I just used it once for a prolonged period in my life, but the negative effects quickly outweighed any positives. I could get shit done, but it felt like a dice throw each time what parts of my ADHD got much worse in exchange.

  • pemptago@lemmy.ml
    3 months ago

    I’ve heard cannabis described as a multiplier and I’ve found that to be true. For me it makes allows me to notice what I’m feeling more (physically and emotionally), food tastes better, I write more, my mood seems elevated, but it has it’s downsides. Around people and in public my anxiety is much higher and like others, my executive functioning and memory gets worse.

    I also find my thoughts feel more “linear,” in a way: slower and easier to trace how one thought led to the next (if I’m able to hang onto that thread). It’s easier to observe my thoughts. If I have one thing to sit down and focus on, it’s fantastic. If I’m interacting with a lot of people and having to task switch a lot, it’s a nightmare. Again, that multiplier effect, as I’m quite introverted.

    I also don’t get tired from cannabis. I can’t do sativa. Too much anxiety. I go for heavy indicas and even that can light up my brain. If I’m in a space (physical and mental) where I can relax, it can occasionally help. I go for edibles, usually 1:1 THC:CBD; 5mg of THC. I use about once a week in the evening when I have a project I’d like to spend time with and I won’t be bothered.

    I was doing that 3 days a week at times. I took a 4 month break while I started my medication for ADHD. Started back up recently. Honestly, I think the cannabis might have a better overall impact. Correcting more data, but I might need to change my meds.