This is the most interesting phone to me as it is the most repairable, ethically sourced and has a clear case. This option would allow me to reduce harm as much as possible while participating in modern society.

After my iPhone is on its last legs, pmos becomes much better and fairphone ships to Canada, this will be my next phone.

Then when I’m arguing with people about veganism they can no longer pull out the bad faith argument in the same way “but you use iphones made with child labour.” allowing perfection to be the enemy of good. They often say this when they’re unironically using iphones and buying slaugtherhouse meat, they just too lazy to improve their ethics.

    3 months ago

    Very good choice. I’m using fairphones for almost 6 years now, starting with the FP2. All on eOS. It’s a very solid phone, but people will not understand your pick. The whole point is that it’s repairable and as environmentally and sociologically sustainable as possible. That’s the reason for the high price. People don’t get that argument. It’s always about best this and fastest that.

    3 months ago

    Got a second-hand Fairphone nine months ago after my older phone broke beyond repair and I’m really happy with it planning on using it at the very least until the start of 2027 and then upgrade to a more recent but still cheap second-hand version