Why should I? Genuinely, though.
Amon Amarth?
Sorry buddy wrong Amon
Who did 9/11?
What’s your favorite dinosaur?
mine is the blue and gold macaw
What are dinosaurs? Are they like lizard-chickens?
and they’re HUGE
where are you from Amon
Republic city
How come my food never tastes like the restaurants’?
If it turns out the only solution to climate change is depopulation as research is starting to point to, would a volunteer service or a random lottery be more humane?
Depopulation will come naturally, as the global population ages. The best solution is to have global governments fund low-income countries, most importantly in good education so that people will have children at an older age and the birth rate will naturally decline. Give a generation or two, and the population will decline, as we have seen in China.