Ambush motion, introduced by David Crisafulli, aimed at preventing potential public disunity in LNP ranks by ensuring MPs won’t be forced into a conscience vote
I don’t know if the use of the word ‘leach’ is good here. I don’t agree with the troll. But it is an emotional subject, and thats a pretty emotive word to use.
If the foetus is unwanted, it’s the definition of a leach. It sucks resources away in order to sustain itself. Both a foetus and the famous violinist are quite literally leaching off the life of their subject.
I don’t know if the use of the word ‘leach’ is good here. I don’t agree with the troll. But it is an emotional subject, and thats a pretty emotive word to use.
If the foetus is unwanted, it’s the definition of a leach. It sucks resources away in order to sustain itself. Both a foetus and the famous violinist are quite literally leaching off the life of their subject.