Ambush motion, introduced by David Crisafulli, aimed at preventing potential public disunity in LNP ranks by ensuring MPs won’t be forced into a conscience vote
If it’s not “ambiguous” every sperm cell spent that doesn’t fertilise an egg is murder. As is every unfertilised egg. Otherwise at some point a fertilised egg goes from being a sperm and an egg into a transition to life. I have no problem disagreeing but I’m happy people without basic science education aren’t dictating to women what they do with their bodies. No debate needed.
If it’s not “ambiguous” every sperm cell spent that doesn’t fertilise an egg is murder. As is every unfertilised egg. Otherwise at some point a fertilised egg goes from being a sperm and an egg into a transition to life. I have no problem disagreeing but I’m happy people without basic science education aren’t dictating to women what they do with their bodies. No debate needed.