• SharpieThunderflare
    4 months ago

    Enjoyed the series but I think it helped me nail down my feelings on the Life series.

    At the start it was more of a goofy, semi-social pvp game. Kind of helped me scratch that nostalgia itch for UHC while not being super competitive or serious.

    As they went on there were new gimmicks to keep things fresh. Still fun, but lost what competitiveness was there and became almost entirely social and roleplay-y. Not bad, but not what I was hoping it would be.

    Along the way the rules, gimmicks, and social games introduced a lot of ambiguity (are we friends with them? Am I allowed to kill them? Etc)

    I know it’s not good content by today’s YouTube standards, but I’d like to see a straight up, no frills, PVE/PVP event like UHC with the HC folks. Team based, get the banter, even let people edit if they want. Keep the stakes low and deal with the fact that some people are better at the game by teaming them with people who aren’t.

    I’ll still watch anything Etho puts out. Maybe I’ll also go back and rewatch old UHCs.